
Going into six years into this hobby, I've come across many people who've shown interest in miniature wargaming. Here in the Philippines, the common mentality is that new guys always ask what is the strongest/most winning-est/best army? And from the veterans that I've known, some may have nice answers, some might not. My answer is one that's not nice:

Goddammit! If there was only ONE army that ONLY WINS ALL THE TIME, then everyone here would be playing ONLY THAT army, now wouldn't they?!?

Jeez! If only most new guys had enough balls as they have interest, then it'd make this hobby more interesting!

A sad reality about Pinoys is that we're a tad more competitive than anyone else in the world. We always have a chip on our shoulder pushing us to be "a little better in something" than the next white guy, black guy, aborigine or eskimo. That's not so bad isn't it? But mix in the in-bred lazyass nature of Pinoys, THEN you get why most new guys ask that dumb question.

I understand that investing in a hobby only to lose and lose isn't such a hot idea. I should know. I WAS exactly just like that years back when I started. And I don't want to see every new dude being like that.

Like I say to all new guys, "get an army that you know that you'll enjoy painting and building and collecting." Noobs won't understand that on the onset. Personally, those who don't understand it aren't worth the bother. These are the ones who may have bought and put together an army, then after a discouraging losing streak of 2 months, he decides to pack up, quit and sell his badly-done models. He then proceeds to succumb to regret and starts blaming the game and the players for causing him such misery. Well I say, fuck all these whiny losers!

Pick an army, build it, paint it nice and make it win!

You lose a game, that can be accredited to being new. You lose for three months of constant gaming and THEN quit? Then I suggest you shove your fingers up your ass and enjoy a chocolate-covered pretzel, you dumb shit, because I'm sure that's all you're good at. You start blaming your losses at other people is just plain pathetic. Go back to whatever shithole you came from and stop infecting my gaming community.

If you're stil reading and haven't thought about flaming me, then I'm sure you understand my colorful sentiments. In the Philippines, miniature wargaming is a very niche game. VERY few people play it, even fewer on a regular basis. Personally, I prefer it that way. Quality over quantity.

SO if you're a noob and you're still interested after reading all that crap, build your 2K WFB or 40K or 500 WM and drop me a line. Show no quarter, because I'll be out to hit you with a bitchin' smackdown!